
angel wings at twilight

I am part of a facebook group called Art Winds where we have monthly themes that we use to create works of art in various mediums of our choosing. This month was 'feather'.. I was full of ideas, and yet continuously found myself lacking the time to execute any of them. I had pretty much abandoned the thought of completing something for the group before March 1st. But then last night I was pulling into the parking lot at my brother and sister-in-law's condo for dinner and a sleepover party, as I noticed the orange sun setting through the bare trees and realized I had my camera in the back of the car. I ran inside.

'Ally! Do you have any feathers??'

'Hmm let me think.. wait, yes! My angel wings!'

'OMG. Do you want to dress up as an angel and go run in the woods with me for a few minutes while the kids are still asleep???'

'Ummmmm, obviously.'

So she changed, and we snuck out of the house into the woods across the street. The air felt warm on our skin, and although the earth was still cold, it smelled different.. it was as though we could smell winter saying goodbye, and spring making it's way slowly back to us. The light was so soft and it lingered, as if to keep us outside longer.. as if it didn't want us to go. We ran through the leaves, laid in dirt, and laughed the whole time. And it wasn't until the light was completely gone that we decided to head back inside.

These are the moments that feed our creative souls, that connect us to other creative spirits, and that keep our imaginations alive. I am grateful for last night, and for my beautiful friend for always letting her imagination run wild with mine, and for this really cool group of artists pushing each other to create; without reservation, unapologetically, for the sake of art, just create.